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Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills makes sandwiches for a good cause

(Photo courtesy of Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills)

Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills has developed a sandwich-making program in the Los Angeles area, for those unable to obtain healthy food during the pandemic. 

The program is the brainchild of Michelle Aaron, wife of Temple Emanuel Senior Rabbi Jonathan Aaron, and who is an actress and singer in her own right (where she performs under the name Michelle Azar).

Each week, members make and pack 10 sandwiches and then drop them off at five different neighborhood locations, which are then  delivered to those in need.

Every brown-sack lunch bag is decorated and volunteers include notes with the sandwiches and sometimes an extra treat such as a bag of chips or cookies. Aaron receives up to 400 sandwiches weekly from volunteers and up to 100 people volunteer each week to drop off the sandwiches.

Temple Emanuel also coordinates with other organizations that run similar programs.

For more information or to volunteer, contact Michelle Aaron at Temple Emanuel-michelleazar@me.com