L.A. Jewish Federation’s Rabbi Noah Farkas to help lead homeless count

(A homeless encampment in Los Angeles. Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
For the sixth year, the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles has announced it will participate in the city’s annual Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count.
The event, led by the L.A. County Homelessness Authority (LAHSA), seeks to identify the number of unsheltered people living in the county. The results are used to secure funding and provide resources to lessen the tendency toward homelessness.
The Federation will join a broad coalition of faith and service organizations participating in the effort, which will feature more than 10,000 volunteers over a three-day period. Federation members including staff, clergy, families and students will fan out across the county to help ensure an accurate count. “The Los Angeles Jewish community has long been committed to the values of justice, compassion and dignity for every community and for all our neighbors,” said Federation of President and CEO Rabbi Noah Farkas in a statement. “In this moment of extraordinary need for so many in our city, county and community, we are proud to continue that tradition of service and leadership.”
Farkas, a former chair of the LAHSA Commission, and other community partners will help lead the count in the Westwood area on Feb. 23.
L.A. is home to one of the largest homeless populations in the United States. Every night, the Federation said in its media release, more than 60,000 people sleep in shelters, cars, tents or on the streets.
More information is available here