Jewish Federation of the Greater San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys Seek Volunteers for Holocaust Remembrance Vigil Ceremony

From Jan. 22 at 7 pm through Jan. 23 at 8 pm, the Jewish Federation of the Greater San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys, in partnership with the city of Pasadena, will hold its annual Every Person Has a Name ceremony, a 25-hour Holocaust vigil to commemorate UN International Holocaust Remembrance Day. This year’s event will return to the steps of Pasadena City Hall, and will also be live streamed.
The federation is seeking volunteers to read names either in-person or virtually, during 30-minute blocks. People can sign up by visiting the federation’s website or by calling 626-445-0810.
The names read will be those of the Jews murdered during the Babi Yar massacre, which took place in September 1943. More than 34,000 Jewish men, women and children were shot by German forces — one of the largest massacres in WWII. Prior to the name reading, there will be a commemoration ceremony featuring local elected officials and other dignitaries. There will also be a ceremony to honor the community’s Holocaust survivors.
“With all that is going on around us, an event like this is crucial to serve both as a reminder of what can happen when hate goes unchecked and also to remember the people who were murdered because of the same hatred… the hatred for the other,’” said Federation Executive Director Jason Moss.
The community is invited to attend the commemoration ceremony, listen as the names are read and help spread the word. Just being present and showing support is part of the power of the event.
For more information contact the Jewish Federation at 626-445-0810 or email