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Jewish Community Foundation awards $3.7 million to 45 SoCal orgs

The Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles (The Foundation) has awarded $3.7 million in grants to 22 Jewish nonprofits and 23 synagogues as they recover from the pandemic. 

The Reimagine Grants will help organizations create hybrid programs for children, youth and young adults, people with disabilities, organizational and staff professional development, community health and wellness, diversity, equity and inclusion, and Jewish, Israel and Holocaust education. 

The nonprofits include ETTAThe Miracle Project, Vista Del Mar Child and Family Services, Aish Tamid of Los Angeles, Hillel 818Los Angeles Hebrew High School,  Moishe House,  Tzedek America,  IsraAID (US)Shalom Institute Camp and Conference Center, Trybal Gatherings,  At The Well, Hillel at UCLAJewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles,   Los Angeles Jewish Home for the Aging, The Braid, Moving Traditions, American Jewish University,  Builders of Jewish Education,  Fuente Latina,   New Teacher Center, and the Simon Wiesenthal Center

Fuenta Latina Executive Director Bertha Merikanskas said their grant will help build “a digital bridge between LA’s Jewish and Latinx communities, to counter online antisemitism, while empowering the next generation of JOC (Jews of Color) and Zionist influencers.” 

Tzedek America founder Avram Mandell said the grant will allow the organization to hire staff, and “We will introduce them to activists and educators as we elevate the voices of the Black community and new concepts as we provide them with an understanding of the role race and racism have played in the history of Los Angeles and our country.”  

“Through the generous support of The Foundation, [ETTA TV] will help us fulfill our mission of enabling people with special needs to live fully enriched, independent, and active lives,” said ETTA Executive Director Michael Held. 

At the Well Founder and Executive Director Sarah Waxman said, “This grant will spark Well Circles for hundreds of 40+ year-old women in Los Angeles, offering a source of deep connection, wholeness and belonging at a time when many are experiencing isolation, loss, anxiety, and fear.” 

The synagogues include Adat Ari El, Beth Jacob CongregationBeth Shir ShalomBurbank Temple Emanu ElIKAR, Kol Tikvah, Leo Baeck Temple, Nachson Minyan, NefeshShomrei Torah, Sinai Temple, Stephen S. Wise Temple, Temple Ahavat Shalom, Temple Aliyah, Temple Beth AmTemple Beth Hillel, Temple Beth Israel of Highland Park & Eagle Rock, Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills, Temple Isaiah,  Temple Israel of Hollywood, Temple Ramat ZionValley Beth Shalom, and Wilshire Boulevard Temple.