California Jewish voters help defeat GOP recall

The Jewish vote in California played a significant role in ensuring Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom defeated the GOP recall effort, said Jewish Democratic Council of America
(JDCA) CEO Halie Soifer.
Following the Sept. 14 election, Soifer issued a statement, saying, “The defeat of the Republican effort to recall Governor Newsom is not just a win for Californians, but for all Americans who support democracy, science and truth. Californians showed up at the polls to unequivocally reject the GOP’s extremism and conspiracy-mongering. Jewish voters made a critical difference in this election given their disproportionately high turnout rates and overwhelming opposition to the recall.
“Over the course of the past month, JDCA PAC led the Jewish community’s opposition to the GOP recall effort. JDCA PAC was the only national Jewish organization engaged in this race and the only organization specifically dedicated to mobilizing Jewish voters. Through phone banks, text banks, emails, social media, and OpenWeb ads, JDCA PAC reached more than 335,000 Jewish voters across California. Our targeted digital ad campaign was seen over 3.5 million times, and directly engaged via phone and text with 95,000 Jewish voters.
“As the results continue to come in, the impact of Jewish voters in California is increasingly clear. Jewish voters are overwhelmingly Democrats — they support Governor Newsom, but perhaps more importantly, they strongly oppose right-wing Republican extremism, which ultimately was on the ballot in this election.
“Jewish Dems will continue to oppose Republican efforts to attack voting rights, spread misinformation, and endanger our safety and health. In the lead up to the 2022 midterm election, JDCA will continue to mobilize Jewish voters, laying the groundwork for Democrats to expand our congressional majority, and advocate for policies that reflect our values.”